10 keys to improve your email marketing

Know your audience . If you want to hit the bull’s-eye, you’ll have to know who you’re talking to. To get started, you can set out to answer these five questions: who is your target audience, what do they buy, why do they buy it, what motivates them to buy and how do they buy. Customize, customize, customize . Most email tools allow you to personalize emails with the name and other data of the users, but don’t stop there! Collect all the information you can about them and send them campaigns that really suit their needs.

So it is an ideal platform for

There are a lot of things you can try: subject lines, copy, buttons inside the email… Write irresistible subjects . The subject is the most determining variable for the success or failure of an email, Yahoo Email List since it depends on whether the user opens it. If there is an element worth spending more time and energy on, this is it. Don’t get involved with the copys . Keep in mind that most users open emails from mobile devices, so what interests you is to communicate your offer in the clearest and most direct way possible. Includes options for sharing on social networks . Emails that include social sharing options receive more clicks: 30% if they offer only one network and up to 55% if they include three.

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Eliminate distractions

When you design your email, try to approach it in the same way as if it were a landing page: the less superfluous elements there are, the better. Each email must have a single objective and the user must be able to see it clearly from the beginning. Take care of the location of the calls to action . Ideally, there should be at least one link at the top, that is, the user can see Mailing Lead it without scrolling. Pay attention to readability . Your email marketing campaigns are going to open on a lot of different devices, and not all of them will be able to load the images or interactive elements. So always have a plan b to ensure they are readable. Do not abuse the patience of your subscribers . You want them to remember you, but too often can cause them to get overwhelmed and unsubscribe.

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