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Who are you ? What are you doing ? And what are your targets? Here are some of the key questions so that we can immerse ourselves in your business and offer quality work. Being based in Nantes and Vendée, we go directly to meet your teams when you are in the region. This understanding of your sector of activity will allow us to be able to consider all Growth Hacking actions adapted to your specificities.

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Do a growth hacking audit Whether you realize it or not, your new database  company has implemented the AARRR matrix. Growth hacking is the theorization of methods used for a long time by many companies. It is therefore imperative to define the work carried out and to identify the best practices and adjustments to be made as a priority. The objective of the audit is to give you a concrete working basis, with recommendations in order to be able to move forward on the subject.

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Define your strategy Once the basics have been laid, it is time to define a long-term strategy. We are therefore going to identify the levers to be put in place as well as the time to devote to it in order to have a long-term vision of the Mailing Lead work to be carried out. But beware, growth hacking is a methodology that continually requires testing new techniques and analyzing the results. It will therefore be necessary to set up agile work.

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