Although little known, is considered by specialists as one of the great trends in the segment . One of the fronts of telehealth, it consists of offering full support to patients who are in recovery, after having a serious illness or having undergone surgery. According to figures from Crefito-3 , in 2019 around 1,200 physiotherapy sessions were held in this format. The number is still small compared to the number of people who could receive remote therapy, avoiding having to be exposed to a clinical and/or hospital environment. The United States, Canada and several European countries already perform more easily, especially because they have more resources for research and equipment acquisition.

Even with the limitations brazil is taking

Important steps to spread this practice, expand its reach and, above all, to be really efficient. In this article, I will clarify the main points about , such as what it is, its importance, what resources are nee to offer it and the main cases in which Cameroon Mobile Number List it is recommende. What is ? It is an alternative and innovative method that allows patients remote access to a specialized rehabilitation team . Through information and communication technologies, such as cameras and specific software, offers the same services as face-to-face rehabilitation, with the difference that the person does not need to travel to receive support.

Phone Number List

The method provides real-time

However, Interaction between the patient and the health professional. Who passes on the activities that carried out and monitors the progress – like a normal consultation. Although. In Brazil is still in the testing and improvement phase. There Mailing Lead are successful examples of its practice. The Einstein Hospital, for example, has developed a Distance Rehabilitation Program for patients affected by the Coronavirus who have had some type of physical. Cognitive or psychic sequelae, with emphasis on: Muscle and respiratory weakness. Fatigue Slow reasoning  Post-traumatic stress; Sensitivity changes. In this way, through , it offers complete support for patients to recover without having to go to the hospital .

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