ake a look at your current content and determine what is already working, leading to higher conversions and website traffic.

By doing so, you can get to know your audience better, understanding their needs, wants, pain points, and interests.

Start by tracking and measuring results on a consistent basis.

You’ll need to determine the conversion types you wish to track, such as signups for a newsletter, purchases of a product, requests for more information, visits to your website, or engagements with your interactive content.

Also, make web analytics your friend by finding a tool that you find easy to use and provides you with the type of information you need.

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Take a look at your current content and determine what is already working, leading to higher conversions and website traffic.

By doing so, you can get to know your audience better, understanding their needs, wants, pain points, and interests.

Start by tracking and measuring results on a consistent basis.

You’ll need to determine the conversion types you wish to track, such as signups for a newsletter, purchases of a product, requests for more information, visits to your website, or engagements with your interactive content.

Also, make web analytics your friend by finding a tool that you find easy to use and provides you with the type of information you need.

For example, in Google Analytics, you can customize the goals to track. Other tools can help as well.

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First impressions matter. So too does the experience once website visitors get past your landing page, contact page, blog post, or other content which initially drew them to you.

For this reason, try catering your website to your ideal customers or buyer personas.

For example, if you are an animation or gaming company, you know your visitors are likely to be more visually oriented and already enjoy interactive content. Use this information to enhance your overall website experience.

Other tips to help keep your website user-friendly include:

Consider all the ways your visitor interacts with your website.

Optimize it for different browsers and screen sizes.

Regularly check on your page loading speeds and site navigation.

Also, consider that today many consumers use their mobile phones to search for information, products, and services, so always include mobile optimization in your website design.

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