Advances in the health area have

Popularized telemedicine in Brazil . Although distance medical services have been offered by Brazilian institutions since , events in recent years have accelerated this digital transformation in healthcare . Since , social isolation to contain the Advances in the coronavirus has highlighted the contribution of options such as , telemonitoring, and second medical opinion. Teleconsultation or online consultation was also authorized , allowing doctors to attend patients directly. These and other solutions contribute to the growth of private and public health units, democratizing access to quality medical services .

You want to know more about telemedicine’

And how to take advantage of it in your business? Just continue reading this article. Is telemedicine allowe  in Brazil? Yes , telemedicine is allowe in the country. To be more precise, current regulations specify seven types of remotely delivere Guatemala Mobile Number List medical solutions. They are describe in Resolution CFM. Which recognizes the following telemedicine services : Teleconsultation: is the consultation between doctor and patient who are in different locations, carrie out through Digital. Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs), with emphasis on the internet Teleconsulting: act of consulting that can involve physicians. Health professionals or administration.

Phone Number List

Serving to guide administrative issues and

Broader health actions : consultation held between physicians, which aims to offer diagnostic or therapeutic, clinical or surgical support : issuance of reports or opinion of exams, through graphics, images and data sent over the Mailing Lead internet Telesurgery: corresponds to operations performe with the aid of a robot, which is remotely controlle by the surgeon or telemonitoring: act performe under coordination, indication, guidance and supervision of health or disease parameters, through clinical evaluation or direct acquisition of images. Signals and data from equipment or devices adde or implanted in patients assessment of symptoms and clinical condition at a distance. In order to refer the patient to the appropriate health service or specialist.

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