You want to have a healthy amount of curated content in your social media feeds to help establish your brand as a thought leader and get the other benefits of curated content, but you also don’t want to be nothing more than a link-sharing machine. 

While there is no clear consensus on how much curated content to post, a good rule of thumb is to try and have curated content make up about 30%-60% of your total content on social media, leaving the rest of your content calendar to your own original posts. 

You can then start repurposing your older content and previously published posts to help you avoid making brand new content each day. 

Another Good Idea is to Keep

Spend a good amount of time verifying the source of curated content and make sure it is only a part of your content marketing strategy, not the entire focus.

How to Effectively Curate Content

Now that you understand the benefits how to buy bulk phone numbers of curated content and how much of it you should post on your social media feeds, let’s look at some of the best practices you need to effectively curate content and share it with your audiences.

1. Know Your Audience

Before you can even begin to think about curating content, you need to understand exactly who your audience is. 

While you should have buyer personas for your customer base, you might want to consider refining those profiles for social media. 

Add Your Own Captions and Thoughts

Something just as simple as a sentence or two of your own thoughts or calling out a quote can help you relate the post back to your brand and keep it in the forefront of the audience’s minds. 

It also can make the post stand out in the social media feed.

5. Select Good Sources

When you curate content, you want Mailing Lead to ensure that the sources you use are reliable and trustworthy. 

After all, you don’t want your audience to click on a link that takes them to a less than reputable site. 

It can also damage your own brand’s reputation if you use sources that share incorrect information or have negative associations. 

Always verify the sources you use and spend a few minutes exploring other sites if the source isn’t one you were previously aware of.

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