People search for information in question format, as well, providing the perfect opportunity to answer them with an informative blog post or a standalone page. Think “what does a personal injury lawyer do” or “do I need a lawyer for personal injury.”

7 Quick SEO Tips for Lawyers

Now that you understand why SEO for lawyers is so important, it’s time to start planning a winning strategy that will propel you to the top of the most relevant searches. 

Here are some quick-start tips to get you going in the right direction.

1. Decide on your keywords

Keywords are the heartbeat of any good SEO campaign, so choosing the right ones is essential for your ongoing success. 

Remember, Google is in the business of delivering detailed, specialized information to users. So the more specific your targeted keywords, the higher in quality your traffic and resulting leads will be.


Common search terms like

law firm” or “lawyer” should be part of your chosen key terms, but they’re too general on their own, not to mention very difficult to rank for. 

Add your location and area of expertise to further refine your results, as in “family lawyer in Monterey CA,” but don’t stop there, either.

Consider using a keyword research tool to buy phone number list help you come up with and evaluate even more terrific options for your firm.

Keyword.IO, Google Trends, and WMS Everywhere are just a few examples to try.

2. Start optimizing for your chosen keywords

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, it’s time to incorporate them into your website in a way that tells Google you’re an authority when it comes to those topics. 


All of the primary elements of your home

They should also be sprinkled throughout your written content in natural, useful ways.

If you serve multiple locations or practice more than one type of law, consider creating a keyword-rich landing page for each. 

This helps raise your visibility for the specific, personalized search queries your future clients will be making.

3. Don’t forget to optimize your Mailing Lead title tags and meta descriptions

The title tag of a particular page is what will appear as the headline on a specific SERP (search engine results page). 

The associated meta description provides additional details on what the page is about. 

Together these elements help tell Google’s algorithm what each page of your website actually covers to rank it accurately.

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