The early adopters already know that millions of people are listening to podcasts every single day, and they didn’t miss the chance to transform that into opportunities for their brands. According to Insider Intelligence, a projection was created for 2022 of 424.2 million podcast listeners worldwide and they expect to see US podcast ad spending to increase by 30.2% YoY in 2022, surpassing the $2 billion mark.

All those numbers mean one thing: if you’re not thinking about podcasts for your brand you should start doing so.

If we try to understand those numbers, we think about humans first. People just love to listen and truly connect with the content creator. Podcasts allow the public to really engage and feel, and nothing is better for a marketer than someone that is actively listening and paying attention.

Podcasts are well targeted to their audience, and are able to connect them. Researches show that 80% of listeners finish almost the entire podcast episode, which is a bonus for marketers that are spending lots of money on ads.

In this graph we can see that a couple

No matter where your company is based, it is time to look into this new strategy and explore its benefits.

To start you need to plan, create a name, format, duration, and concept. After that, you need to choose the equipment and software and you’re phone list ready to record your first podcast. Remember to always plan your topics based on the personas you’re trying to target and create real, personal connections. That is what will make the difference.

Now that you have learned more about the podcast industry and how you can benefit, if you think your company is ready for the next step, don’t miss the wave!

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Marketing strategies continue to evolve today, and staying up to date can be challenging. So too, can shift in search engine optimization (SEO) best practices.

Yet these shifts can prove beneficial and time-saving to your overall marketing efforts if you let them.

A prime example of this is the shift Mailing Lead away from focusing solely on keyword research, once the golden rule of a solid SEO strategy.

As a result, today’s SEO tactics involve several components, pillars, and beneficial acts to ensure higher success.

While keywords are still part of that plan, you’ll need to take a few more steps and concentrate on creating and implementing a better SEO approach.

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