They guarantee that all care provided at a distance will follow the same rules and, above all, will offer what the health professional really needs. Among the telehealth protocols is the so-called , which consists of the performance of a in each teleconsultation request. When a doctor wants to get answers to questions related to a patient, for example, he doesn’t have to worry about choosing a certain professional or specialist to answer them. This task falls to the , who defines the best teleconsultant for each case and obeys the deadlines defined by legislation.

This intermediary expands the autonomy

And resolving capacity of those who are requesting this remote support, expanding the perspective of permanent education. In this content, you will understand what is and what its role is among telehealth protocols. You will also get to know the main objectives of and a step by step of how the evaluation process of the professional in charge Chile Mobile Number List of this activity works. Telehealth protocols: what is ? It is a set of actions in regulatory systems that aim to equate adequate responses to existing demands. With this, it promotes access and equity to health services , enabling adequate care. also includes the evaluation and planning of actions, offering operational regulatory intelligence to management.

Phone Number List

It is especially important in the

So-called Primary Health Care , as it strengthens the care provided , qualifying and reducing queues for specialized care. is one of the areas of the Telehealth Program. It was created with the aim of expanding and improving the network of health Mailing Lead services, promoting better interaction between levels of care. This program is a national action composed of regional. State and inter-municipal centers . With a focus on implementing telehealth protocols specifically in the Unified Health System (SUS). It is important to reiterate that telehealth expands quality medical care. This allows people who live in remote regions to also have access to specialized care.

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