With chronic diseases, who need closer monitoring of their clinical condition. It’s not news to anyone that technology is transforming the way we communicate, access information and even how we perform simple day-to-day tasks. The objective is precisely to connect people and service providers , all in a fast, efficient and safe way. This advance also reached the health area, with the emergence of the so-called telemedicine, which is nothing more than remote medical care. Through it, it is possible to obtain accurate diagnoses, have faster examination reports and start treatments early. And the best: everything remotely, without the need for the patient to travel to talk to a specialist.

Since its emergence, which occurred more

Precisely in 1990 here in Brazil , access to health has been expanded. Technological advances have continued since then, reaching the increase in telemedicine devices, which allow the patient to be monitored 24 hours a day. But after all, what Czech Republic Mobile Number List devices are these, how do they work and why are they so beneficial for patients and doctors? These are some of the points I will address in this content. Follow! Telemedicine is the distance modality, whether consultation, exams or monitoring. To reap its benefits, a shift in thinking about new technologies is essential. What is telemedicine and why is it important? It is a modality of care that simplifies the physician’s work, as it allows communication to be carried out online and at a distance.

Phone Number List

Telemedicine is essential to promote urgent care

As well as to enable people located in remote areas or far from large centers to have access to a specialist. To offer this service, the physician needs to rely on a telemedicine platform , which has features such as electronic medical Mailing Lead records , teleconsultation and . Accessing each patient’s page, he can view his entire clinical history, which facilitates and speeds up the service. Telemedicine also assists in obtaining and transmitting exams and laboratory results. This is because the platform itself has a number of registered specialist professionals. Who report the exams in up to 30 minutes and make them available to the patient or requesting health professional. Telemedicine also facilitates the exchange of information, opinions and experiences between professionals from different areas.

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