examples of inbound

There are many brands that are using actions focused on attracting and delighting to achieve their goals. Here are three examples : spotify spotify has a large amount of data about the musical preferences of its users. Another example of personalization is that every december (on an annual basis), spotify launches its “Wrapped” campaign, with which users can access a summary of the music they have listened to during the year and that generates great virality on social networks. Spotify netflix netflix has a large amount of personal data on the behavior and entertainment preferences of its users. His inbound strategy is very simple: give the public what they want to attract them.

It combines a large amount of content

(many of it produced by the platform itself) with highly sophisticated recommendation Loan Phone Number List algorithms to hit the bull’s-eye. In addition, this company stands out for its inbound marketing on social networks, where it has a large number of followers who are attracted by its friendly and relaxed tone. Netflix gopro gopro, inc. , the high-definition personal camera company, has also pursued an interesting inbound strategy. In his case, he invited users to create material using one of his cameras, so he resorted to this type of content to attract public attention.

Special Database

The best thing about this strategy

was the increase in loyal customers. Since by feeling part of the action, they connected much more with the brand. Attraction : the main objective is to be more visible and attract more web traffic, so in this Mailing Lead type of project the creation of content is one of the main actions. This involves creating a blog and using social media, as well as keyword research, SEO optimization, and content writing. It is also important to define a content strategy and the buyer person very well. Marketing automation : if you have a large database, in this type of strategy what you want is to make the most of it.  v

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