A good direction of use is to collect information about users’ satisfaction, preferences, or knowledge, as it is a more restricted option than quizzes, for example.

poll example (Interactive posts for social media)

If most of your followers answer that they already know about a certain subject, it is not worth investing in more basic content about it.

Here are other interesting ways to use the feature:

Preferences on specific topics

The best time of day to launch or publish content

General opinions about products or services

In fact, polls are widely available, as they can also be created on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, just to name a few examples.

Once again, on Instagram, invest in the question box.

It follows the same strategy style as the two previously mentioned formats, but with the possibility for the follower to deliver more specific answers.

Tell Google Which Pages Not to Crawl

We use as an example a word search game, which instigates the follower to share his answers in the comments tab.

It is also possible to combine games with platform resources, such as stories, encouraging the follower to pause the screen at a specific time.

It is interesting to note that, in addition to holding users’ attention, you also gain an increase in screen time.

Using social media to promote different interactive content formats

In addition to leveraging different types of interactive posts for social media within the platforms themselves, active social channels make wonderful ways to offer access to additional experiences.

Interactive content comes in many new, different, and exciting forms.

Use your social channels to promote

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Provide direct links to the content and invite interested parties to check it out. You can also offer additional incentives to sweeten the deal even further if you like.

interactive post for social media

How to Create Interactive Posts on Social Media

To win public engagement with the best of what social media interaction offers, we recommend following some important practices. Several of them could already be noticed throughout this post, but it is worth reinforcing them.

1. Know your audience

By structuring well-defined buyer persona and target audience strategies, you will be able to understand which types of interactive content work and which can be discarded.

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