For Shopee, product rankings display the best performing products in terms of page views, units sold, and product reviews.

Here are the ranking factors that matter to Shopee:

Your digital assets optimized
What are your digital assets inside Shopee? The following is product data which includes:While this is basic information to fill in your listing, it still requires special attention because your digital assets contain everything that you sell. And optimized digital assets will help increase your product’s discoverability.

You are a seller of choice

Shopee preferred seller is a program that provides benefits to sellers in recognition of excellent sales and operational performance.

You are a seller of choice

In addition to earning buyers’ trust, becoming a preferred seller can increase your search ranking and reach more potential buyers.

The hardest part about this is that Shopee chooses the preferred seller. But to qualify, you must:One of the main drivers Latest Mailing Database of Shopee is promotional campaigns . This campaign fulfills 3 distinct business objectives:Due to this, Shopee features top-notch stores and provides shoppers with facilities to further promote, engage and enhance products.

Seller Picks is a free promotion tool designed to empower sellers by optimizing SKUs (Stock-Keeping Units) for product SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and ads.

Basically, you will choose the product that you want to improve in terms of search visibility. Products on Seller Picks will guarantee a 95% increase in page views.

Visibility increases
Making efforts to ensure that there is increased product visibility is very important on Lazada (otherwise no one will see your products). How do you do this?

Make sure you upload a clear image

Latest Mailing Database

Lazada requires at least 3 clear and descriptive images. Since shoppers can’t directly touch and feel your product, your images should be able to fill that gap.

2. Post descriptive information about your product
Let your customers know more about your product by writing a long description. Describe the purpose of your product, its unique selling features and other useful information such as warranty, ingredients and disclaimer.

3. Complete the Main Product Information
The main product information is Mailing Lead the specification of your product. This attribute acts as a filter for buyers to find products easily.

product performance
Lazada relies heavily on customer behavior in terms of product search and.

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