Services platform that connects health professionals and patients, without having a health plan operator as an intermediary. Thus, through a medical marketplace, it is possible to offer multispecialty care online, through medical teleconsultation and also have access to , both to report exams and to have access to several specialists who can interpret these exams very quickly. Soon, all this information is recorded in an electronic medical record , allowing access to the patient’s history to monitor their health. In this way, doctors who work in clinics also benefit from the moment they can talk to other health professionals.

For clinics and practices portal

For virtual medical care is especially advantageous in terms of resource optimization and cost reduction. For patients. However, The medical marketplace is the opportunity to have specialized care , regardless of where they live and still have their exams performed in their cities, searching for clinics in the medical marketplace. Now that you Egypt Mobile Number List understand a little more about the medical marketplace and the benefits it can offer, as it promotes the centralization of medical services, I will explain a little more about the platform itself. Next, I’ll show you how the technology behind this virtual clinic portal works and give you practical tips for using it efficiently. In addition, I will address other strategies for clinics and offices to be able to attract new patients .

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What is a medical marketplace

To better deepen the concept of medical marketplace that I presented in the introduction. It is important to clarify what a marketplace is in general terms and. How it relates to the practice of teleconsultations . Marketplace Firstly, with Mailing Lead the popularization of e-commerce and the large number of virtual offers. The marketplace emerged to offer products or services from different companies in the same space. That is a marketplace works like an online shopping mall. Where customers find different options for what they are looking for and sellers can reinforce their digital presence. Or even sell online without building their own website.

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