Grew a lot in especially due to the pandemic scenario caused by the new coronavirus. The flexibility in the availability of this type of service is due to an extraordinary law, more precisely Ordinance 467 . Through it, it was defined that online The search for consultations would be allowed throughout the national scenario. Soon, physicians began to assist and pass on guidelines and electronic prescriptions , as well as carry out referrals from a distance. Online medical care allows for faster and earlier diagnoses, as well as helping to relieve the health system. But anyone who believes that online medical care is something recent is wrong. Telemedicine and teleconsultation were regulated in 2002 , but have gone through a series of updates to reach the current moment.

The big question, however, is the

Will online medical care continue to grow in the coming years? It is this reflection that I intend to raise in this content! For this, I will show what the new CFM resolution addresses about teleconsultation and how the relationship between patient and Croatia Mobile Number List health professional takes place. I will also discuss the main advantages of online medical care and how to choose the best telemedicine platform. After all, what is online medical care and how does it work? Also known as teleconsultation, it consists of a medical consultation performed remotely , using secure communication technologies and online interaction.

Phone Number List

Online medical care can be performe

in the following ways: Between doctor and patient: Performed directly, without the mediation of another health professional; Among physicians: When a second opinion from a specialist, for example, to arrive at a more accurate diagnosis Mailing Lead or the most appropriate treatment. The patient may or may not participate; Synchronous: The interaction is immediate through video call or videoconference or the answer is provided in a short period of time; Asynchronous: When there is no direct interaction between the patient and the doctor, and the communication takes place at different times. Online medical care can be initial (first care), health status monitoring, urgency or even supervision, in which there is an exchange of experience between professionals.

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