This is because YouTube Shorts are designed with the mobile user in mind, just like other social media platforms like Instagram with Instagram Stories,  and Snapchat. 

By having everything for Shorts contained in the YouTube app, you don’t need to worry about adding in another application or trying to edit and create videos in one tool then publish them in another. 

If you don’t already have the YouTube app downloaded, you’ll need to go to the app store for your phone, either the iOS App Store or Google Play, and search for the app. 

Once you’ve downloaded the YouTube app, sign in with your brand’s regular YouTube login. 

That will ensure that you’re making Shorts on the same channel as your brand’s normal YouTube channel. That helps create the important sync between your YouTube long-form and short-form videos.

Start Creating Your Youtube Short

Tapping the + icon on your app will open up the options menu. Click on “Create a Short” to get started. 

Press and hold the red record button to film, or tap on the number 15 to change the video length from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. From there telephone biz you can begin filming your video. 

You can also upload videos from your phone’s video library.

This can be helpful if you want to reuse content from some of your other short-form video tools like TikTok, or if you have interesting footage that you filmed at an earlier time that you now want to share as a YouTube short.

3. Use In-App Video Creation Tools

As mentioned earlier, the YouTube Shorts application has many built-in tools and features that can help you film your videos easily and create engaging videos that grab the attention of your viewers. 


Upload the YouTube Short

The final step in the process is to upload your YouTube Short for your viewers to start watching!

Hitting the checkmark on the video will save the short and let you finalize your editing. Make sure you add the right music, filters, and text that you want to your video. 

Once your video is edited and ready Mailing Lead to go, tap on the “Next” icon and move to the final stage. You can add details, descriptions, and pick what listing you want for your Short: public, unlisted, or private. 

You can also add an age restriction if needed. Once you’ve double-checked your video, you can go ahead and tap the “Upload Short” button to publish your video.


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