The use of telemedicine has been growing

Rapidly in Brazil. To give you an idea, remote monitoring of patients , which was used by of doctors in 2019, jumped to in 2022, while teleconsulting went from in the same period. The data are from the ICT Health survey , which pointed to an increase in the availability of data electronically – such as nursing notes (from and images of radiological exams (from Currently, at least of physicians and of nurses across the country already carry out consultations online . These are just some of the opportunities provided by telemedicine, which democratizes access to health through technology. In this article, I bring a complete overview of the concept, history, services and advantages of having online health care.

Good reading! What is Telemedicine

Telemedicine is the area of ​​telehealth that connects patients, establishments and health professionals in different locations . To do so, it uses modern technologies, such as platforms hosted on the internet ( cloud ) that enable the exchange Cayman Islands Mobile Number List of information and the offer of secure solutions. It is in this environment that teleconsultations , telemonitoring , interpretation of distance tests and much more are offered . A computer, tablet or even smartphone with web access is all it takes for patients to receive care online , for professionals to clarify complex diagnoses and for managers to have access to automatically organized medical records.

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Which replaced Resolution as the

Main rule governing this area, defines telemedicine as: “The practice of medicine mediated by Digital , Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs), for the purposes of assistance, education, research. Disease and injury Mailing Lead prevention. Management and health promotion”. The standards emerged in the wake of innovations and recognition from renowned entities such as the World Health Organization. Since 1990, the WHO has recognized the importance of this medical area. Especially in cases where distance is a critical factor in providing health-related services. All this without neglecting quality, since telemedicine is performed by highly trained professionals.

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